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Matcha Collagen Granola

Matcha Granola — It just may be the best part of waking up ! We love Matcha everything these days; we’ll take all of the antioxidants we can get and this Matcha Granola does not disappoint ! Our recipe has the perfect balance of sweet and salty, and the addition of the Matcha Collagen raised the granola bar with it’s earthy and umami flavor. Serve it up with your favorite milk, complete your parfait or just enjoy it by itself. We promise, you’re gonna love it !


(yields about 8 cups)

4 cups Rolled Oats (4 cups = 8 cups granola (16 HALF cup servings)

1 ½ cups Nuts/Seeds — chopped Almonds, Pepita and Pine Nuts

½ cup Unrefined Coconut, melted

½ cup Maple Syrup

⅔ cup Dried Cranberries

1 Scoop SR Matcha Collagen

1 tsp Cinnamon

1 tsp Salt

¼ cup Coconut Flakes

¼ cup Chocolate Chips


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 F.
  2. Combine all ingredients except the  Matcha Collagen, Chocolate Chips, Coconut Flakes and Dried Cranberries. Mix thoroughly and place in a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  3. Bake at 350F for 45-50 minutes, tossing half way through.
  4. Remove from the oven and let cool completely.
  5. Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly & ENJOY !
  6. Store in air tight container for up to two weeks.
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