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Let’s face it, 2020 isn’t exactly turning out how we hoped. For those of you who are thriving in these crazy times, I am so proud of you, but please tell me your secret. Regardless of your emotional state and where you’re at on the spectrum between “freaking out” and “thriving,” talking about mental health is so important and should always be a priority. We all have days where we feel overwhelmed, sad, anxious or stressed. After all, we’re human.
You are allowed to have those days, and you are allowed to take some time for yourself to unplug, and find tranquility. However, we may have found a hack to make finding happiness a little bit easier when we need it most.
Our new favorite hack for a much-needed mood booster is putting together a Self-Care Box. The best part about putting together a Self-Care box is that it’s made by you for you. Having a collection of things that bring you happiness can be just what you need to get through a tough spot. Whether it be cooling down an emergency breakdown or simply a daily dose of soothing, it’s important to incorporate little reminders throughout the week to lift your spirits.
Not sure how to get started? We got you. Here’s some of the ideas we came up with, focusing on the five senses to heal your body and mind.
REMINDER: Your mental health is a priority. It’s perfectly okay not to be okay. Take a deep breath and give yourself permission to step back from the things that make you stressed. Tomorrow is a new day, you got this.