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September Booty Challenge

Hey Sweet Sweat fam!

We’re officially releasing our September BOOTY challenge! In an effort to support everyone no matter where they might be on their fitness journey, we’re pulling together some of our favorite booty building workouts that people of all fitness levels can do. Equipment is optional – you can do these exercises ANYWHERE! 

Share this challenge with your bestie, your family and friends so they can join along too and make sure you use #SweetSweatBootyChallenge whenever you share your workouts! We’ll be sharing our favorite #SweetSweatBootyChallenge entries in stories all month long to keep you motivated! 

See below to learn more about the four booty exercises you can start doing on Tuesday, September 1st and scroll down to the bottom for your 4-week guide.

1. Hip Thrust

Hip Thrusts are  great booty-building exercise you can do from literally anywhere.Expect to be sore after this one! 


How To:


Begin by laying flat on your back with your knees bent and feet firmly planted on the ground, shoulder-width apart. Make sure your ankles are stacked below your knees. Exhale as you drive your hips toward the ceiling and squeeze your glutes. Slowly lower back down to the start position. *If using a band, keep your knees driven out; don’t allow them to collapse in.

Tip: Create greater range of motion with this exercise by either elevating your feet on a step, bench, chair, etc. or elevate your torso by resting your upper back on a bench or chair.

Two great ways to make this exercise more challenging:

  1. Add weight! Take a dumbbell, barbell, or any household item (feel free to get creative) and place it on your hips to increase the resistance.
  2. Add a Sweet Sweat Hip Band or Mini Loop Band! Slide the band over both legs and place it just above the knees. Make sure to drive your legs out into the band (don’t let your knees cave in). This will add tension and increased engagement of the glutes. Create even more of a challenge by going up in the strength of your bands!

2. Pulse Squats

Pulse squats are another great exercise to target your legs and glutes! You’ll definitely feel the burn with these!

How To:
Begin in a standing position with your feet shoulder width apart. With control, lower into a squat position and pulse in the bottom position. Keep your core engaged and make sure your knees track with your toes. Exhale as you stand and return to a standing position.

Tip: With Pulse Squats, you can change up the tempo to make them more fun. For example: add an extra “pulse” or two at the bottom!

Two great ways to make this exercise more challenging:

  1. Add weight! Take a dumbbell, barbell, or any household item (feel free to get creative) and hold it while doing your squats. While barbells can be placed on your traps, items such as dumbbells, water bottles, etc can be held in front of you.
  2. Add a Sweet Sweat Hip Band or Mini Loop Band! Slide the band over both legs and place it just above the knees. Make sure to drive your legs out into the band (don’t let your knees cave in). This will add tension and increased engagement of the glutes. Once you’ve mastered the lighter bands, create even more of a challenge by going up in the strength of your bands!

3. Reverse Hypers

Reverse hypers target the entire posterior chain, including the glutes, hamstrings, and back!

How To: Begin face down on the floor or on a sturdy surface. With legs straight, exhale as you lift your legs off the ground and squeeze your glutes at the top. Slowly lower back down to the start position.

Tip: To increase the range of motion, use a sturdy bench, table or chair to allow your legs to come down further into the movement. Hold onto the legs of the bench or table for support.
Want to Step It Up?: Add a Sweet Sweat Mini Loop Band! Slide the band over both legs and place it at the ankles. As you lift your legs drive your legs upward and outward into the band. This will add a level of difficulty with tension and incorporate the gluteus medius.

4. Fire Hydrants

The Fire hydrant is a great exercise to target the gluteus medius! Additionally, the fire hydrant exercise helps strengthen your core because it will be engaged throughout the movement!

How To: Begin on all fours in the quadruped position with your shoulders stacked over your hands and your hips stacked over your knees. Exhale as you raise one leg out to the side, with your knee bent at a 90 degree angle. Slowly bring your leg back in to the start position.

Tip: Keep your spine in a neutral position & abs engaged throughout the movement.

Want to Step It Up?: Add a Sweet Sweat Hip Band or Mini Loop Band!


Now that you’ve got the four moves down to a T, you’re ready for the challenge.  Don’t forget to share your workouts on social with #SweetSweatBootyChallenge!  We’ll see you there.

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