Finding Your Strength Training Soulmate
Strength training is important (and if you want to know why, check out this article).
If, however, you struggle with finding the motivation to pump the iron—allow me to quote my mom after my last breakup when I swore to never date again: “It doesn’t mean you don’t like dating, it just means you haven’t found the right one.”
The best strength training is the one you’ll do—and just like in dating, everyone has their “type.” To help you find your match, let me break down your candidates.
Introducing Contestant Number One…
1. Total Body Circuit Training
What it is: Think bootcamp. It’s a simultaneous challenge between strength and cardio, involving several full body exercises completed with short rest periods in-between.
Who is it good for: If you’re new to the lifting game, circuit training may be for you. Time-bound intervals allow you to move at your own pace, and because you’re allowed short rest periods—you don’t have to lift as heavy of weights. However, experienced lifters also love this hard and efficient workout. If you have limited time but want a good sweat—this may be your lifting love match.
Ready for your first date? Check out this plyometric circuit workout by Paige Hathaway.
2. Bodybuilding
What it is: An aesthetic-based sport, bodybuilding focuses on making one’s muscles bigger and one’s body proportional. Bodybuilders tend to lift in the 8-12 rep range, and only train one muscle group per day once a week.
Who is it good for: There’s no shame in admitting your goals are to look good, feel good. If you’re someone who is visually motivated, bodybuilding may be just the thing to excite you for consistent gym seshes.
If you’re ready to commit—make sure to invest in some good quality protein powder. This sport is heavily nutrition-based and requires protein in high quantities to build muscle.
3. Powerlifting
What it is: This form of strength training is all about improving your maximal (or “brute”) strength. This involves a low rep count with heavy weights, with the intention to lift even heavier the next week.
Who is it good for: If you’re someone who gets excited by witnessing improvement, powerlifting may be your strength soulmate. With goals oriented around improving your maximum capacity, you’ll be easily motivated by moving 50 lbs. to 100 to 200 in no time!
In need of some pre-date prep? Mix some Pre Sweat into your blender bottle for a jitter-free gym sesh designed to maximize performance.
Remember— you can also mix and match your resistance training! I prefer to lift for performance 3 days a week and complete a hard circuit training workout once a week.
So, how about you? Are you ready to swipe right on any of these strength training plans?
This article was written by Melissa Pelowski. Interested in writing for us too? Email your pitch to for consideration.